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I'm the managing director of digital for Spectrum Networks West. I'm also an Emmy Award-winning journalist based in Los Angeles, with more than 22 years of television news experience at CNN. Previously, I worked in Atlanta and London.
I'm a producer at heart, though I have also held senior management and leadership positions for more than 10 years. I've also field produced and overseen the production
of three Oscar specials.
In December, I completed my Master of Arts degree in Communication & Leadership from Gonzaga University, with a concentration in Digital Media Strategies. I believe that the convergence of digital and television journalism is not the future, it is the present.
To view my highlight reel, please click the video below.
About Me
This gallery highlights my desktop video editing and multimedia design skills.
These are educational projects for my master's program at Gonzaga University.
For my original digital videos on disinformation, click here.
These are causes and groups that I am passionate about or have made an impact on my life. I want to spread the word about the tremendous work they do.
Mary's Meals provides the world's most impoverished children with one meal every school day so that they get an education to help lift them out of poverty. Less than $20 can feed a child for an entire school year!
The Vietnam Veterans of America makes a difference in the lives of veterans and their families, by providing donated clothing and household goods to those in need. My dad is a Vietnam veteran.
The Boy Scouts of America helps train youth to be responsible citizens through a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs. I am an Eagle Scout and a member of the National Eagle Scout Association.
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